2016 Wednesday Night Ride Series

This is it folks!!  The warmer weather is just around the corner, ok, maybe not the warmer weather, but at least a couple of more hours of daylight.  Which means that the 2016 Wednesday Night Ride starts up in just a few more weeks!  The full calendar and the details of the rides can be found on our Ride Calendar.

The Wednesday Night Ride series is Culpeper’s longest running ride series, and has taken place from March – October for more than 20 years. This years installment will feature from great local rides starting in Culpeper, Brandy, Madison, and a few all new ride locations! Be sure to keep checking back as we also announce additional after-ride activities.

These rides usually break into 3 or 4 groups, “A1” (avg. speed 19-22 mph), “A” (avg. speed 18-20), “B” (avg. speed 16 – 18 mph) and “C” (14 – 16 mph), while the ride is not “officially” a no-drop ride, the cyclists in the “C” group do try and make sure everyone makes it back to the starting area. But keep in mind that while cyclists of all abilities are welcome to join our rides, there is no sag support so please be able to be self sufficient if you get a flat or have another mechanical mishap.

The Wednesday Night Ride group is very welcoming so we encourage all cyclists to join our group.  Typically we see between 30-40 cyclists at our rides so this is a great way to make some friends within the local cycling community.

So if you want to join us for a ride, please be sure to bring your helmet and other appropriate cycling gear. And check out the ride calendar for all the details of each of the upcoming rides.


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